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Bong Abenir is a Filipino Martial Arts Instructor. He started training in the martial arts at the age of 9 through his father in the art of kuntao and learned knife fighting concepts from a man simply called mang Inyong. This started his in-depth study in the field of martial arts through different Masters and instructors. He studied Yaw-Yan under Orlando Lapuz in 1989. Around late 1994 he trained although rather informally with Grand Maestro Antonio Ilustrisimo but was short-lived due to Tatang's death in August 1997. Bong continued training under Pedro Reyes until he was formally introduced to MasterTony Diego early 1998 . He also trained and was certified to teach Pencak Silat by Pendekar Mohamad Hadilmulyo and from O'ong Maryono, a three time world Pencak Silat champion in year 2000 after 5 years of private sessions with them. Abenir Kalis Filipino Blade Art is a blend of different fighting arts such as kalis Ilustrisimo, Silat and other fighting systems in the Philippines. You may send your queries regarding Abenir Kalis to and you may also contact him at his Facebook account : Bong Abenir



Abenir Kalis System is primarily a blade based martial art which derives its bulk of techniques and fighting principles in the arts of Kalis Ilustrisimo, Yaw-Yan, other FMA styles and Pencak Silat. The founder Master Bong Abenir had fused these systems in order to come up with his own training system and also added techniques and strategies discovered effective during live sparring. Most of the techniques that were effective during a full sparring session without protective gear were thoroughly observed whether its efficiency were replicated many times and would therefore include it as part of its repertoire of techniques and skills to be practiced and developed over and over until it becomes an automatic response. The founder believes that during a fight wherein everything is sudden and happening so fast that you may not have time to think but instead rely on your quick reaction to any attack or situation you are in. 
"The empty hand fighting system could be practiced anytime at any stage or level of the practitioner"

The weapons progression is used in conjunction with the empty hand training progression of the system in order for the practitioner to get a "complete education" in the variables possible with the major techniques in and tactics employed in Filipino Fighting Arts.

The major characteristic of Abenir Kali is efficiency. It is a very pragmatic and practical system which applies the laws of physics and psychology. It does not waste time with unnecessary movements but instead goes right through the heart of the problem when dealing with an adversary. We make sure that the practitioner is able to fight or defend himself in just a few sessions of training within the system. Although it does not mean achieving mastery of the skills and techniques within the system in such a short period of time but rather the skill and confidence during a street encounter is what we are after (learn to fight first, then work on the finer points of the art later). That is we do a lot of drills during the first sessions and help the student analyze the different strategies and tactics that could be employed during a street fight. It does not matter much how well you execute the techniques during a fight as long as it scores or hits the target. People are not concerned on how beautiful or skillful you employ your techniques but whether who is left standing during the encounter. After learning these things, only then comes the formal training for the purpose of mastery and teaching of the system.


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